Nebraska Client Assistance Program (CAP)

The Nebraska Client Assistance Program (CAP) is a free service to help you find solutions if you are having problems with any of the following programs:

  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Centers for Independent Living

CAP acts independently of any agency which provides services to you.

Nebraska Hotline For Disability Services

The Hotline provides information and referral to Nebraskans who have questions or concerns related to a disability. This includes information about rehabilitation services, transportation, special parking permits, legal rights, and any other questions related to a disability

What Can CAP Do For You?

Your Rights as a Client or an Applicant

  • Assist you in applying for or receiving services
  • Teach you how to make requests to the agency or counselor
  • Refer you to other agencies if needed
  • Negotiate a resolution
  • Mediate disputes
  • Advocate for you with the agency
  • Present requests to the agency on your behalf
  • Solve communication problems
  • To make informed choices about your job goal, services, service providers and ways of getting services
  • To be involved in the development of your plan
  • To have a parent, family member, guardian, advocate, or an authorized person help develop your plan if you want or need this support
  • To receive services in integrated settings
  • To a review of any decision

Do You Have Questions or Concerns About the Services You Are Receiving?

Contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP)

Client Assistance Program
PO Box 94987
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

In Lincoln:
(402) 471-0801 or
in Nebraska but outside Lincoln, toll free: